Sunday, May 22, 2011

And so it begins.

This weekend Laura taught me how to make granny squares ... now it's all I can think about! So, here it goes, my first granny square blanket, shoot this might be the first crochet project I ever really complete (but let's not get ahead of ourselves.)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Stop at the side of the road.

These were taken using the Droid App. -'Retro Camera.' I always feel like a pro when I use that app! Jared and I found these flowers on the side of a gravel road west of Highway 77, and I couldn't resist! Someday I would love a nice camera, but until then the phone app will do just fine :).

Sunday, May 15, 2011

My first auction.

Oh man, folks. Auctions are the way to go. The people are awesome, it's super exciting, and you can either spend way too much or grab a steal. Here's some of the greatness I found.

I really wanted this lovely lady, but there were some pretty serious camera folk and auction pros there that muscled me out. 

Thursday, May 12, 2011

smitten kitchen, yum.

I've kind of been all about the idea of cooking awesome things lately, but haven't quite made the jump to actually doing it. We'll see. But boy, Smitten Kitchen sure has some good looking things I might just have to test out. Plus her food photography is pretty awesome, mouth-watering, goodness.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

custom tea cups.

When I saw this I was so excited and knew instantly that I needed to try it out. Welp, I did and I can't remember for the life of me where I found the instructions. [As soon as I find it I promise I'll post it, because I remember she had some pretty sweet stuff.] Anyhoo, here we go with my first tutorial!
First things first, here's what you need:
Cup (I found mine at the Goodwill)
Transfer Paper* (Laura was a pro and went free-hand)
Design printed for transfer
Pen and Scissors
Porcelaine Pen (I searched Hobby Lobby like crazy, but only Michael's had it.)
*This was my first time trying out transfer paper and I loved it! But, if you rather not spend the money you can always just use pencil on the back of your paper.
Tada! Process of transferring with transfer paper. I'm telling ya, I'm in love with the stuff.
Then, you just color it in! Michael's has tons of colors, but I'm in love with the classic black on white. Once you're ton you toss it in the oven (directions listed on the pens) and you have your custom, wash-safe design.

Monday, May 9, 2011

libby trying to make buttons ... internet style.

Hey, guys! Pardon my mess, I'm working on some blog revamps and there is a whole lot of testing going on. Please enjoy watching us morph and go through a bit of an identity crisis.